District 2

Councilor Karen Liot Hill


Karen Liot Hill is the Executive Councilor for District 2, serving 81 cities and towns in the Capital region and Western New Hampshire. She is a 20-year City Councilor and former Mayor of Lebanon. She also served 4 terms as Grafton County Treasurer (2016-2024). 

Karen has dedicated herself to public and community service in Lebanon, the Upper Valley region, and the State of New Hampshire, where she has served on the board of the Local Government Center, the municipal league for New Hampshire cities and towns, WISE, which supports victims of domestic and sexual violence, and the Lebanon Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization, among others. 

Karen was named one of New Hampshire’s “Top 40 Under 40” in 2010 by the Union Leader newspaper. Karen is a Dartmouth Class of 2000 Alum, where she graduated with Honors in Government. She is the mother of two children who both graduated from Lebanon public schools. Karen works as a radio DJ and a church musician.

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